Write Your Own Psalm of Togetherness

Even though we are isolated in a lot of ways, here’s something we can do together. It works for all ages, so don’t think you are too young or too old. You can do this with all the people under your roof or think of it as an exercise to focus on God and bring family or friends together on online. If you have friends in another country or another state, invite them to join you, too.

Part One: Choose something about God—a truth or a character trait about God.

Example: God is present everywhere. Make sure everyone knows this theme.

Part Two: Using simile or metaphor, have each person write a description of God with the theme of your psalm. A simile is when we compare to things with the word “like” in between. A metaphor is taking out the word “like” and comparing them in an even closer way.

Example of simile: God is like the sun.

Example of metaphor: God is the sun. (Note: this is not the same as saying “The sun is God.”)

Part Three: Write one or two lines or phrases that explain or expand the simile or metaphor you chose.

Example: He gives light to all things. No plant can grow without his touch.

Part Four: Return to the beginning. Restate in a different way or reflect on the attribute of God.

Example: His light shines everywhere.

Part Five: Now comes the fun part. Collect them from every person and put them together. Putting them together will be a surprise.


A Psalm of God’s Presence

God is the sun.

He gives light to all things.

No plant can grow without his touch.

His light shines everywhere.

Add the four lines from each person together into a psalm. Share it with everyone who helped to write it. You could have each person read their own if you are gathered either around your table or in a virtual meeting.

If you would like to share it with College Church, email wtriggs@college-church.org.